Thursday 30 August 2012


An interesting art cover for the MARVEL US STAR WARS comic from 1985, as the popular series life was soon interrupted and it sadly neared the end of its run. In general, 1985 wasn't a particularly great year for all-things STAR WARS, as the saga started to wind down and enter self carbon freeze. RETURN OF THE JEDI had ended its triumphant theatrical airings, those cuddly furballs hated by Harrison Ford-the Ewoks, in their two average TV films, had come and gone, the merchandise was on its last legs for the next year or so, and things were bleak news-wise for fans awaiting Lucas's return to his beloved franchise. Even the trusty friend to the saga, STARLOG magazine, by 1986/87 had wondered if STAR WARS fandom was still alive!

The sleeping giant would awaken, though. And when it did, building from 1991 onwards, gaining momentum in 1995, the world, and new generations of young enthusiasts, would thrill anew or once more to the exploits and fantasy worlds of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

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